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A Beginner's Guide to Gnosticism

(rule #1: a good Gnostic remains a beginner)

Gnosis is Truth (with a capital T), and a Gnostic is one who is in relationship to Truth. Individualized, Truth becomes truth (with a little t). Further understood as: Truth Is (as in I am), and truth is each of our perspective of it (its mirror reflection). While everyone's truth is correct (for them), there is Always a greater Truth.

To be a Christian Gnostic, one understands that it is through Unity in Truth (the Father and I are one <but the Father is greater>), that one “overcomes” the “trappings” of matter and the physical world (maya) and finds “salvation” (Divine Union). It is the release of beliefs, opinions and identity of separation, the sacrifice of self to Self, through which we “become again as children”.

There are many different “schools” of Gnostic thought. These are based on beliefs (beliefs are little t). We can use beliefs to inform our truth, but only when they are viewed through the perspective (lens) of Truth (which is always within, and reveals itself through resonance). When we get fixed onto ideas and ideals, we have fallen from Truth into truth. A good Gnostic always maintains his relationship with Truth (first).

1 comentário

Hier is Mathijs Beijer
Hier is Mathijs Beijer
07 de set. de 2023

So . . . Sufi is Gnosis.

The Qu'uran

read with a Christian perspective

is just da bomb.

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