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Breathing the Breath of God

Greetings, I am Thomas, I am an evolutionary scientist, and a disciple of Yahusha, commonly known today as Jesus. I bring you this information for the purpose of informing you that the original message of the master Yahusha has been subverted, it is incomplete. It is my purpose to help restore that message at this time.

One of the biggest discrepancies is simply a word that was translated from the Greek and Hebrew into Latin instead of English. “Spirit” is a Latin word, it means breath. In Greek, the word used was pneuma, meaning breath. In Hebrew, the word is ruach, meaning breath. The Holy Spirit, in reality, is the Holy Breath.

Instead of an esoteric Holy “Spirit”, Yahusha came to bring us the concrete practice of breathing the Holy Breath, actually breathing the Breath of God. Go through the New Testament, and change the Holy Spirit to Holy Breath, and you will get an idea of how important this knowledge, this practice, is.

Many cultures use breathwork as part of a spiritual regimen. In India, the practice of pranayama utilizes the breath to synchronize with the life-force of the body. In the following meditation practice, we will be using the breath to synchronize the electromagnetic field of the brain with the electromagnetic field of the heart. This is what is known as heart/mind coherence.

The electromagnetic field produced by the heart is exponentially more powerful than that of the brain. The heart contains the same type of cells as the brain, call neurites in the heart. The heart is intuitive, reacting to outer stimulus before it actually occurs, and it sends much more information to the brain than vice versa.

In the Gospel of Thomas, Yahusha tells us that when we “make the two, One”, that we can move mountains. This practice is intended to do just that, using the breath to bring the brain and the heart into a state of entrainment.

This practice works best after we have done some work clearing the energy body of any blockages that may be lurking from our past, or even ancestral memory. There is information that cellular memory is stored within our DNA. This clearing has been occurring naturally recently, but there are practices which can assist with this. One is detailed in Phase Two of the program “A Practical Guide to Enlightenment” which can be found on this site. But even if you have not done this type of work this meditation and practice is beneficial.

We begin by bringing the focus of the mind to the breath. Connect with the breath and observe it as it moves into the body and fills the lungs. Do not force this focus, allow the mind to synchronize with the breath.

We want to now connect the mind and breath with the body. Send your awareness down to your feet. Breath into the feet, connect with the feet on the in-breath, and release with the out-breath. Move up the body in this fashion, next to the calves, next to the thighs. Breathe in and connect with the in-breath, release with the out-breath. Waist and hips, torso, hands, forearms, upper arms, shoulders, neck then head. Now, you are simply the breath.

Bring your awareness now to your heart chakra. If you are unfamiliar with the heart chakra, a bit of googling will be beneficial. This is the body’s central energy field, residing in the heart/upper chest area. Allow your awareness to move into this energy center. Breathe into this energy center and feel the expansive awareness. Here the breath merges into this energy field, moving out from the body, yet still centered in the heart. This is the gateway into the expanded awareness of your Higher Self.

Spend some time here. Feel and sense the energy field of the head/brain attuning to the expansive awareness of the heart center. With each breath allow your awareness to expand, beyond the body and within.

John 4: 23-24 – “But the time is coming and is already here, when true worshipers will worship the Father truly in the breath. The Father is looking for anyone who will worship him that way. For God is the Breath, so those who worship him must worship truly in the breath.”

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