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Zero Point Awareness

You have the power of all creation within you.

This is not philosophy, or esoteric mumbo blah. This is a scientific fact. Granted, this has not, as yet, been understood and accepted by the “mainstream”, but here are the details.

Nassim Haramein is a savant philosopher/scientist. He has put forth a revolutionary “unified field theory”. If you are not familiar, this is what Einstein was working on when he transitioned (I believe Haramein is Einstein “reincarnated”). He has done all the math, has the geometry exacted, and even decodes the Tree of Life, I Ching, and ancient symbolism from various cultures through time and across the globe that point to this rather simple “equation”.

At the center of every photon is a mini black hole. All of ‘creation’, what we consider to be the physical world, blinks in and out of this black hole, aka “the void”, at the speed of light. There is a mini Big Bang, in which creation “erupts” and is pulled back in, in every moment at the speed of light. The void is non-local and omnipresent, literally “everywhere”. Within the void is contained the energy of all creation.

The scale measured by Haramein’s equation plots everything from the universe to the atom, in a more or less exact progression. And just about the center of this progression is the biology of the human body, which means, according to Haramein, you and I act as the event horizon of the black hole. We feed information into the void, based on our energetic “equation”, the void takes in and interprets that information, and feeds it back out as creation. We are both creating, and being created, at the speed of light.

So, more or less, a scientific explanation for the way prayer and the power of belief and “the secret”, magic… etc. etc. works. Our energetic expression (not just thought, which only plays a small role compared to the entirety of our bodies energetic signature), our energetic expression is the imprint the void uses as a model for creation, utilizing the mathematics found within “sacred geometry” (a google will be informative if you are not familiar with the term).

In meditation, in stillness, we center ourselves within the void. We commune with the All, as the All is the void. This is zero point awareness.

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